Friday, 26 March 2010
I have decided to create a rnb and hip hop magazine. I have chosen to do this because I feel rnb and hip hop are the most popular out of the music genres and I am interested in hip hop music the most.
The title of my magazine is “YO!” I decided to use this name because it s a way young people who tend to listen to this kind of music greet each other. So I thought it would be suitable for this magazine to be called this.
Front cover
My front cover is very basic this is because I don’t want any thing to be taken away from the main image. Also on most hip hop magazines they tend to have a big picture on the front of a famous person. So I have decided to do this as well most of the front cover is covered by a large picture of the person I feel people will be interested to read about.
I decided to put them man I was taking a picture of on a car. I have done this because the car is nice and glamorous this indicates to the reader that this person has done well in his life and has a lot of money to spend. This hopefully invites everyone to want to buy the magazine and find out how he has become so successful.
I have decided to use a black back ground because a convention of most magazine is to use dark and hard colours and black is obviously the darkest and hardest colour of them all. I used white writing on my front cover because I feel it goes with the contrast of black and makes it easy to read for the audience.
Double page spread
I have decided to do my double page spread about the newest instruments in the hip hop business. I feel this is a good thing to write about because people are interested in the way the music is made and how the industry is make the new sounds they are making and how they are doing it.
I decided to use a black back ground for my double page spread because I feel it looks good and is also a convention of other hip hop magazines. it keeps real with the culture of hip hop also no being stereotypical but most people of who listen to hip hop or read hip hop magazines are of black culture or have a black back ground.
I have decided to use red writing because I feel it sticks out on the black back ground and makes the page look hard and not soft. What I mean by hard is touch and strong rather then using pink which looks girly and fairy like. I also think it looks really good red on black but I also could of done white writing because this adds good effect, but because I have already used white on black background for the front cover I decided against it for my double page spread.
Contents page
I have decided to do a very plain contents page again so nothing is taken away from my picture. I have decided to use a different picture of the man I have to pictures of. I have done this to add a bit of variation and again to attract the audience to see what else this person might be doing in the magazine. I decided to use the man just stood there on his own because he is stood in a strong stance with his hands crossed, this could give the impression that he is stable and in control of his life.
Again I have gone with the black back ground this is because i want to be consistant through out the magazine and also I want to be individual and some points. And not a lot of hip hop magazines have a consistent colour scheme through out the whole magazine which I am with “YO!”
The white writing looks good on the black ground it stands out and gives the magazine and crisp and hard finish.
I feel my magazine has come out well and I have achieved everything I would of liked to have achieved. I have made the magazine individual and I have also followed conventions of some hip hop magazines.
I feel I have made the magazine look hard and touch and manly this is what hip hop is about looking hard and big and not scared about anything. I feel I have done this through my colour scheme and pictures.
I feel my pictures have come out clear and have sent my message across. I feel the audience will be drawn in by my images and will find them interesting.
My double page is very interesting and I will feel the audience will agree with me on this. I feel I have achieved what I wanted in informing the audience about the new instruments that there is in the hip hop game and also how much they cost and what they do.
I feel my magazine will be a hit and the audience will agree.
I have decided to create a rnb and hip hop magazine. I have chosen to do this because I feel rnb and hip hop are the most popular out of the music genres and I am interested in hip hop music the most.
The title of my magazine is “YO!” I decided to use this name because it s a way young people who tend to listen to this kind of music greet each other. So I thought it would be suitable for this magazine to be called this.
Front cover
My front cover is very basic this is because I don’t want any thing to be taken away from the main image. Also on most hip hop magazines they tend to have a big picture on the front of a famous person. So I have decided to do this as well most of the front cover is covered by a large picture of the person I feel people will be interested to read about.
I decided to put them man I was taking a picture of on a car. I have done this because the car is nice and glamorous this indicates to the reader that this person has done well in his life and has a lot of money to spend. This hopefully invites everyone to want to buy the magazine and find out how he has become so successful.
I have decided to use a black back ground because a convention of most magazine is to use dark and hard colours and black is obviously the darkest and hardest colour of them all. I used white writing on my front cover because I feel it goes with the contrast of black and makes it easy to read for the audience.
Double page spread
I have decided to do my double page spread about the newest instruments in the hip hop business. I feel this is a good thing to write about because people are interested in the way the music is made and how the industry is make the new sounds they are making and how they are doing it.
I decided to use a black back ground for my double page spread because I feel it looks good and is also a convention of other hip hop magazines. it keeps real with the culture of hip hop also no being stereotypical but most people of who listen to hip hop or read hip hop magazines are of black culture or have a black back ground.
I have decided to use red writing because I feel it sticks out on the black back ground and makes the page look hard and not soft. What I mean by hard is touch and strong rather then using pink which looks girly and fairy like. I also think it looks really good red on black but I also could of done white writing because this adds good effect, but because I have already used white on black background for the front cover I decided against it for my double page spread.
Contents page
I have decided to do a very plain contents page again so nothing is taken away from my picture. I have decided to use a different picture of the man I have to pictures of. I have done this to add a bit of variation and again to attract the audience to see what else this person might be doing in the magazine. I decided to use the man just stood there on his own because he is stood in a strong stance with his hands crossed, this could give the impression that he is stable and in control of his life.
Again I have gone with the black back ground this is because i want to be consistant through out the magazine and also I want to be individual and some points. And not a lot of hip hop magazines have a consistent colour scheme through out the whole magazine which I am with “YO!”
The white writing looks good on the black ground it stands out and gives the magazine and crisp and hard finish.
I feel my magazine has come out well and I have achieved everything I would of liked to have achieved. I have made the magazine individual and I have also followed conventions of some hip hop magazines.
I feel I have made the magazine look hard and touch and manly this is what hip hop is about looking hard and big and not scared about anything. I feel I have done this through my colour scheme and pictures.
I feel my pictures have come out clear and have sent my message across. I feel the audience will be drawn in by my images and will find them interesting.
My double page is very interesting and I will feel the audience will agree with me on this. I feel I have achieved what I wanted in informing the audience about the new instruments that there is in the hip hop game and also how much they cost and what they do.
I feel my magazine will be a hit and the audience will agree.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
language terminology
cover lines
main image
bar code
cover lines
main image
bar code
media language
representation is the way something or someone is represented, for example phil mitchel is represented to the audience as the local hard man in tv soap opra in eastenders. he is given cirtain roles to play to create this character so he is represented this way.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
a target audience, or target group is the primary group of people that something, usually is aimed at appealing to. A target audience can be people of a certain age group, gender, teenagers, females, single people, etc. A certain combination, like men from twenty to thirty is often a target audience. Other groups, although not the main focus, may also be interested. Discovering the appropriate target market. to market a product or service to is one of the most important stages involved with market research. Without knowing the target audience, a company's advertising and the selling efforts can become difficult and very expensive. for a music magazine you have to look at different genres of music for exsample rock, pop, metal and so on.
This is the idea of what the magazine would be selling. The things that are included in something that makes it important, like the idea that ideology for Q magazine will be rock bands or just rock in general and the ideology of a football magazine is football.

Vibe is a well known top R&B music magazine. this magazine represents media language through masthead, main image, main cover lines and cover lines. it is clear to the audience that it is a well known magazine becks the masthead is slightly covered by the main image.
This shows that people don't need to see the name of the magazine to know what it is. The word vibe can be associated with music this also represents the fact it is a music magazine. vibe also use vibrant colour's to catch the readers eye. the main image in the particular magazine is akon, but in all of vibes magazines they use well known successful artists.
They do this because the know the audience will want to read about them. In alot of vibes magazines the main image takes up alot of the front cover. In this image akon is pointing towards you, this is done to draw the reader in making them think its them who should read it.
The main cover line is also about akon. this gives information about what is inside the magazine. as you can see the akon and hit are in bold these words jump out at the reader to catch the eye and make them want to read more.
the ideology of this magazine is vibe. the purpose it to give information about the world or R&B music.

This is a collage of vibe magazines. In each one of these magazines they all have the same layout. Each vibe magazine has a main image in the center of the page of a successful artist with the masthead slightly behind them.
The institution of all of these magazines is vibe, and the purpose and objectives is to inform entertain and make money. This is done through sell lines, of cover lines and the main image of a well known artist. All music magazines contain these, they are just little snippets of what is in the magazine. what cover lines do is sell the magazine and draws the reader in. all off these magazines have bar codes this shows it is there to make money.
The colour in each of the magazines is bring to catch the readers attention. in many of the the magazines the masthead is in the same colour as the sell lines these are the ones that stand out most.
content page

The image of the contents page is of a band standing on a hill which is natural which is quite calm and different to the conventional plain background.Also the contents page is in 3 columns. 1 column is named features this will include all the main headline witch is inside the magazine. the word features is in white with a red back ground this could link to the institution of the magazine witch is Q, witch is lay ed out is the same way White with a red background. The second column is named every month. this shows what is included in the magazine every month. it is all so linked with the institution of the magazine with a red background and white writing. the 3d column is called review this shows all the reviews with famous artists.
double page spread

This double page spread is out of Q magazine. i have noticed that all off the double page spread i have researched they are very similar in the way they have been presented. In this particular double page spread the main image is off westlife a highly successful pop band. the image covers about 75 % of the double page spread. the main image links to the text witch says smell the glove in big bold red writing, this is done so it catches the readers attention straight away. the image shows each band member pointing or showing there gloves. underneath the main image there is an article about the band. it is particularly small so people who read it would have to be drawn in by the big image as i don't feel people would be drawn to it straight away. down the right hand side of the spread there is further more images showing the band at a concert and singing autographs this give the impression the text at the bottom maybe talking about up coming events or how the concert went. the audience for this page would be fans of the band west life and who are interested in what they have to say.
double page spread
This double page spread is out of Q magazine. i have noticed that all off the double page spread i have researched they are very similar in the way th
ey have been presented. In this particular double page spread the main image is off westlife a highly successful pop band. the image covers about 75 % of the double page spread. the main image links to the text witch says smell the glove in big bold red writing, this is done so it catches the readers attention straight away. the image shows each band member pointing or showing there gloves. underneath the main image there is an article about the band. it is particularly small so people who read it would have to be drawn in by the big image as i don't feel people would be drawn to it straight away. down the right hand side of the spread there is further more images showing the band at a concert and singing autographs this give the impression the text at the bottom maybe talking about up coming events or how the concert went. the audience for this page would be fans of the band west life and who are interested in what they have to say.
This double page spread is out of Q magazine. i have noticed that all off the double page spread i have researched they are very similar in the way th

double page spread

this is another double page spread i found in a issue of Q magazine. the spread is about another well know band oasis. i picked this one out as i belive its another good exsample of a double page spread , i noticed it had a similar layout as the westlife double page spread. the image this time only covers 50% of the page. it shows the band members walking down a street looking very causual , the text on the other hand says the unliky lads, in bold white writting, this is suggesting they have done something who noone expected them to do. this makes the reader want to know more about the article and again just like in the other double page spread the article is in very small writting.
planning - target audience
mock layout front cover

i have used the same layout as many top music magazines use to creat there magazines. with the masthead across the top and a big main image cover a large percentage of the page. To ether side cover lines, and at the bottom, the bar code date and issue. this is the most used layout in music magazines so i feel it will be best for my magazine to.
mock content page

this is a mock layout of my content page. it consists of a main image covering about 50% of my page , i made it this size as many top magazines have it this way. the masthead is across the top to keep it linked with the front cover and so people know straight away what they are looking at. my contents page has the features witch is page numbered and what is on each page so the reader knows were to look for each particular story. and in the bottom left Corner i have a space for things that are in every weeks issue of my magazine such as quiz's or competitions.
mock double page spread

the article will be along the bottom in formal text. I noticed alot of double page spreads were lay ed out this way so i based mine in the same arrangement. i also have3 smaller images down the side of the page giving the audience some more understanding on what the article will be about.
this is another front cover from vibe magazine and it follows a lot of the same conventions as there others it has a very wild and vibrant title and they use the same color as they did in the other magazine cover with r Kelly on they use these coloures to make the magazine seem hard and gangsta like gangstas usually wear these types of coloures. They have used a famous role model again which is t.i he is one of americas most well known rappers and is known for how he strived for fame. He came from rags to riches. People will buy this magazine because young people will want the things he has and will try to be as successful as him so they will read the things he says.
this is another front cover from vibe magazine and it follows a lot of the same conventions as there others it has a very wild and vibrant title and they use the same color as they did in the other magazine cover with r Kelly on they use these coloures to make the magazine seem hard and gangsta like gangstas usually wear these types of coloures. They have used a famous role model again which is t.i he is one of americas most well known rappers and is known for how he strived for fame. He came from rags to riches. People will buy this magazine because young people will want the things he has and will try to be as successful as him so they will read the things he says.
This is a contents page it follows the conventions of other magazines because it has a big clear mast head and also has sub headings which tell u about what is in the magazine. They also have a picture about what will be inside the magazine and this will also attract the the type of audience the editor is trying to appeal to.
This is a contents page it follows the conventions of other magazines because it has a big clear mast head and also has sub headings which tell u about what is in the magazine. They also have a picture about what will be inside the magazine and this will also attract the the type of audience the editor is trying to appeal to.
this is a picture of r Kelly a well known rnb and hip hop artist he is very famous and is also very successful. He is someone for young people to aspire to be like this is why vibe have put him on the cover of there magazine. They also put him on the cover because it will make people want to buy the magazine because people will want to know what he is saying. This is a convention that most magazines follow because if they have someone succefull on the cover there magazines sales are bound to increase.
The mast head of the magazine cover is very bold this is a convention of magazine covers because this makes the magazine stand out on the shelf so people can see it and want to buy it . they use up to date language so they can make it attractive to younger viewers who tend to be more interested into the hop hop scene. They use coloures which are hard and harsh to add a gangsta feel to the magazine so they feel it keeps it real to there type of culture.
this is a picture of r Kelly a well known rnb and hip hop artist he is very famous and is also very successful. He is someone for young people to aspire to be like this is why vibe have put him on the cover of there magazine. They also put him on the cover because it will make people want to buy the magazine because people will want to know what he is saying. This is a convention that most magazines follow because if they have someone succefull on the cover there magazines sales are bound to increase.
The mast head of the magazine cover is very bold this is a convention of magazine covers because this makes the magazine stand out on the shelf so people can see it and want to buy it . they use up to date language so they can make it attractive to younger viewers who tend to be more interested into the hop hop scene. They use coloures which are hard and harsh to add a gangsta feel to the magazine so they feel it keeps it real to there type of culture.
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